但教生命找到出路,就此刻讓我們高歌-- 決定選擇皆由意志,放耳傾聽雲雀輕頌; 智慧如光眾人皆浴, 還要吟到世界動容。 |
It's not the problem that never comes
But we're aware we can overcome. Life itself will find the way out. Of free will we do talk about-- How compatible we are!! When we lend our ears afar, Like a lark, in a light of thought, Sing hymns till the world is wrought. |
我們在5月9日的微見思談話會,大約40分鐘分享,加上現場提問互動。由Kelly Chen和高家志先生談到德國在疫情期間的情況。我們才知道德國在疫情期間,原來各邦都有不同的做法,80%的德國人也支持政府,有許多正面和負面的影響。
We had a 40-minute session at AJYMS meeting on May 9. Many participants put forward the questions. The talk did arouse our curiosity.
The meeting was hosted by Ms. Kelly Chen. It is different "Bundesland" or states that make policy. However, 80% of German people would support and do as the government wants them to do.
We had a 40-minute session at AJYMS meeting on May 9. Many participants put forward the questions. The talk did arouse our curiosity.
The meeting was hosted by Ms. Kelly Chen. It is different "Bundesland" or states that make policy. However, 80% of German people would support and do as the government wants them to do.
我們在5月17日的微見思談話會(美國紐約篇),由 Kelly Chen 主持,花璿雅小姐(Bella)談到美國紐約在新冠疫情期間的情況。Bella提到居家令前後的生活差別,身在紐約大蘋果在不同時期的第一手觀察,包括口罩現象、公眾人物州長及媒體如何對人民"動之以情, 說之以理。" 美國人民如何團結面對難題,企業和機構提供更多服務,例如食物銀行來協助鄰里,甚或遊民安置,也令人動容。願天佑全球,而我們能夠早日度過難關!
We had a 40-minute session at AJYMS meeting on May 17. The meeting was hosted by Ms. Kelly Chen. Our speaker Bella Hua gave us a thorough first-hand observation of the Big Apple. We learned about how the masks are used in New York, how the leaders convince people, and how much more service, such as food banks, is provided by PO and NPO organization for the disadvantaged as well as the homeless. Hopefully the globe is blessed and we will recover soon.
We had a 40-minute session at AJYMS meeting on May 17. The meeting was hosted by Ms. Kelly Chen. Our speaker Bella Hua gave us a thorough first-hand observation of the Big Apple. We learned about how the masks are used in New York, how the leaders convince people, and how much more service, such as food banks, is provided by PO and NPO organization for the disadvantaged as well as the homeless. Hopefully the globe is blessed and we will recover soon.
5月24日我們請到前中時及聯合報記者蘇瑋璇小姐為我們對荷蘭防疫的情況開箱,由鍾靜儀主持本次微見思談話會。瑋璇將海外華人的防疫比喻成一場球賽,從1月上半場開打,人們逐漸覺察亞洲的事態;直到3月中下半場開始,"疫鄉遊子"身在異鄉非得打完全場。 當國際情境浮動時,難免會有因文化差異導致的觀念衝突,以戴口罩為例。在這個溫暖包容, 以開放且多元著稱的西歐國家--荷蘭,如何包容,瑋璇見證了許多因荷蘭住民的集體意識聰明行動的時際故事。 On May 24,we invited Ms. Su Wei-hsuan to unbox the life now in Nederland at AJYMS meeting, which was hosted by Ms. Joanne Chung. Wei-hsuan compared the COVID-19 situation to a "basketball game;" the first half started in January, people became gradually conscious of the situation away in Asia, while it was not until mid-March that the other half kicked off. As an expatriate in such an open and multi-cultural country as Nederland, Wei-hsuan still had to face the conceptual conflicts between people , for example, the wearing of masks. However, it is due to the cultural differences that caused misunderstanding. How the forbearance and warm support took place through collective consciousness!! There are stories of campaigns in Nederland. Ms. Su Wei-hsuan mentioned the civil act and social care campaigns in Nederland. She herself also did networking with overseas Chinese as well as those in the community. It is because immigrants and their second generation constituted half of the population of Rotterdam. So most of the digital signage carried the multi-lingual educational and transparent info on COVID-19 situation to inform people. |
蘇瑋璇小姐在5月24日的微見思談話會中提到許多荷蘭住民的公民素養和社會關懷行動,以及她本身帶領社群,在漫天恐慌的疫情中如何撫慰人心,互相支持的經過。 原來非荷蘭裔的居民,包括移民及其二代,在鹿特丹佔了二分之一,因此在宣導和教育民眾,政府和機構想法設法讓多語言的電子看板,用8-9種語言輪播,目的就是讓防疫資訊透明化。 例如居民自發性在晚間8:00開窗為醫護鼓掌感謝, 為社會盡一份力量;或者協助鄰里老弱者採買。瑋璇也捐了200支鬱金香給搭乘電梯的大樓鄰居,美麗的花朵可以帶來好心情,撫慰被迫居家管理的人們。 Another example. Through social networking, people who were locked down spontaneously applauded the doctors and nurses at 8:00 p.m. in concert. People involved would like to contribute to the society. Neighbors helped one another, especially the senior and the vulnerable. Wei-hsuan herself wanted to put the neighbors in good mood by donating tulips. Good will went to people and mutual support is the best encouragement to people locked at home. |